Monday, January 31, 2005
Sad day!
Aikss, Chinese New Year 1 more week to go, the cards still in the packaging. Got no choice, so I hurried up and spent 1 hour writing my CNY greetings to my beloved friends. Yap, I am the last-minute-girl. In the morning, went to the clinic to have a blood test. Wah, what kind of doctor makes a patient wait 1 hour just for consultation arr? I'm not going back there again!
So class is at usual at 3 pm, Levin was late. Jessie never come and never answer her handphone also. What's up with her anyway??? So learn quite a lot today about creating own webpage. Sooner or later, I'll redesign my blog once again!!! When mum came back from work, she told me that a brother to a college friend of mine passed away last Friday. What shocked me is the sudden death, that guy was only 24, going to graduate soon, but God took him away somehow. Makes me wonder that anyone can just drop dead anytime. Pity my friend, a nice guy but have to endure this painful loss so suddenly. So life actually isn't what we think it should be. After all, who knows what will happen next?
just another day..... posted at 10:13 PM.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Jay ROCKS!!!!!!!!
"Zhou Jie Lun, Zhou Jie Lun, Zhou Jie Lun....................." That was what we kept hearing once the concert was about to kick off. Yikes, we were there close to 8 pm. And there were TONs of people there, concert goers mingle around with vendors selling mineral water and light sticks. Well, there is business for everyone. The queue was SUPER long for the toilet coz there were only 2 cubicles. (-___-)" Then when it was close to 8 pm liao, we all quickly went in. Those who needed to use the toilet quickly queue up. The toilet really SUX!!! Of course not me using LUCKILY~
Then me and Li Let head to our seats at the VIP corner. Thanks to her, I get to sit at the VIP area. So lucky sia. Although we were around 15 rows fromt he stage, but still can see quite clear lorr. So it was 8.15 pm, and still no sign of him on stage yet. The screen was playing videos of Jay Zhou's concert promotion where fans were ask to dance to his songs and imitate him. Haha, really funny leh. And the concert was a full house, everywhere you can see people although not a sold out concert. Maybe around 10 minutes later, 'Yi Fu Zi Ming' song started to play. The Italian vocals is eerie, and suddenly Jay appear from below the stage, the moving platform. Wahhhhhh, everybody started screaming and standing up on their chairs. Aiyo, me and Li let got no choice, have to stand up also.
Jay made a grand appearence, and I was expecting Nan Quan Ma Ma to come out first. Wah, then Li Let told me be prepared to stand for 2 hours if those in front don't want to sit down, die lorr me. Luckily 20 minutes later, the RELA guards came and ask everyone to sit down. Finally!!! Jay's performance came with lots of variation. At once he was singing then he started playing the flute, so CHARMING leh. Then he sang 1 song (forgot the title liao) where he got back up dancers like samurai's. He even played a red piano while singing one of his songs.
Jay came to the extent of singing Rasa Sayang (Malaysia folk song) in one of his hits. Wah, we were all IMPRESSED. Although while singing 'Yi FU Zi Ming' he cough while singing, he made sure he never repeat the mistake. The he introduced Nan Quan Ma Ma to all of us. He duet with them and then later they sang two songs for us. Very nice songs leh. Later Jay and Yu Hao(NQMM) went and strut their stuff on the keyboard playing a piece (I think it is flight of the bumble bee??) . Veyr cool leh. Jay is somewhat the Asian Maxim!!! The Jay asked Yu Hao to play the keyboard while he perform 'An Jing'. Later Jay ask everyone to sing along to 'Qing Tian', my FAVOURITE song!!!!!
At one point, he sang 'Shen Ri Kuai Le', a song sung by Landy Wen Lan. Halfway through the song, Landy appeared and took over. She was HOT. Then afterwards, she sang a faster track and dance very 'wildly'???? Haha, she was shaking her booty and top super fast and she even reveal her 'bra' to the crowd leh. Everyone was like 'WOW'!!! (@_@) And the funny thing is she came to Malaysia few days earlier just to perform 1 whole song. We were thinking if this is the case, better no need to come lerr. Haha~
Jay then thank all the fans and went backstage. We weren't going to let him go just like that, we stood up on our chairs and shouted 'ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!'. Wah, 2 minutes later Jay appeared wearing basketball jersey and singing 'Qi li Xiang'. Yay!!! Then he went off again and this time the drummer took the stage by playing a 3 beat sequence (signalling for us to shout "Zhou Jie Lun, Zhou Jie Lun....") And then Jay appeared again and sang his last song 'Shuang Jie Kun'. He even brought the kungfu thingy to play with on stage. We were doing the 'hu hu hah hee' with him while he was singing. Hahahha, it was an awesome concert. I went home excited, 1/2 deaf, no voice and aching neck muscles and legs. But it was worth while to see such a performance once in a lifetime. I can't really remember the song he sang in sequence, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the experience I have gained, thanks to Li let!!! Pix of the concert will be posted very SOON~
just another day..... posted at 9:30 PM.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
I thought life was going to be like normal today. Little did I expect things were going to change for me. During our first Student's Club meeting, Juin Keat back out from the President post and wanted one of us to replace it. Frankly speaking, there were only 9 of us at the meeting. 3 of the seniors who were already going to retire, and the 6 of us (my classmates). And when they wrote names of the prospective president on the papers, the results were staggering!!! I got the most vote (-___-)!!! Ok, I didn't see that coming at all!!!
Gosh, I can't say NO. Coz the club was kinda 'dying' and if I back out, it'll totally collapse. So they need someone to be the leader. Well, I hesitated but got no choice. I accepted the post as I knew it'll do me good as the experience will be the training ground for what I will be experiencing in university in 3 years to come. So what are my plans now? I seriously don't know. Anyway, mum told me not to get too involve or my studies are gone. Yeap, my grades are getting lower each term. Seriously, it is TERRIBLY bad. Why do I wanna get myself involve here in college when I got my hands full with church stuff then??? I'm in total dilemma now.
just another day..... posted at 11:09 PM.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
3 more dayz!
Wah, today class cancel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy sia. But then, make me realised how backdated we are in our studies~ (-__-)" Some more I super lazy to revise my studies. Ok, yesterday went to KL for shopping. Ended up with no garments at all. The best shopper among us was Daniel lor. Bought clothes and MP3 player. Rich fella!
Haha, now eating Baskin Robbins low fat ice-cream. So nice sia. Mum got free voucher for 2 pints leh. So lucky!!!!!!! Haha, indulging in abowl of low fat ice-cream really feels like heaven! Haha, die lor. So I muz 'jian fei' from now on. (T_T) Anyway, it's 3 more days top the Jay Zhou concert. Ok, I confess I not a hardcore Jay fan, but sure bet his performance would be a BLAST!!! Can't wait for it although will be sitting quite far from the stage. =)
just another day..... posted at 9:50 PM.
Monday, January 24, 2005
'Fong Fei Kei'
Monday again!!!! But today is a little bit special. Tuning in to my favourite Jolin song 'Dao Dai'. So nice sia. Then follow by Mirai song. At least this 2 songs will release my tension. Met up with my high school best friend Ah Soo at McD's today. She made me feel obliged to see her coz we haven't met each other for nearly 3 weeks liao. And we live just 10-15 minutes drive away. Yea, the same goes my friend Pui Yeng who lives 5 minutes walk away from my home. I haven't seen her for 1 year already.
It's weird. A few friends of mine live so close to my house and yet we hardly see each other. Looks like it depends a lot on 'jodoh' I guess. Anyways, Ah Soo and I had a nearly 2 hour chat to catch up with each others life. Then, went back home for lunch and went to college later. I saw my favourite 'ah boy' from college after nearly 1 year since I last saw him. Wah, still that leng chai and cool lerr (^o^)v Then at night get pissed off when Li Let said she doesn't want to go KL. Aiya, can't really blame her larr coz she really got TONS of homework. But still pissed off anyway. @#%*#@*%
just another day..... posted at 9:58 PM.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Spring cleaning!
Hari Raya Haji is Hari Membersihkan Rumah for me. Means my spring cleaning day!!!! Woke up in the morning to find mum already moving stuffs around in and out of my messy store room. Wow~ So had light breakfast and started off wiping my TV set and others. My house is like a dust collector, SERIOUSLY~ In 1 single day, dunno how many millions of particles land in my house. And it drives me mad to see the layer of dust everywhere. So being the only girl in the house, have to do most of the housework when mum is not free (T_T)
Aha, when I finish cleaning that particular spot, in no time all those dust come flying back again to land at that exact same spot in no time. (-____-)" So what is the purpose of cleaning arr? I really dunno larr. Anyways, went shopping for groceries with mum today. Mums been spending a lot of money on shopping these few days, and I haven't even started mine. Shopping at this time can be fun especially when you see Chinese people buying 5 to 6 cartons of soft drinks, practically they filled up their trolleys with can drinks. Wah, imagine how much of sugar they are taking in during CNY arr? Now wonder most Chinese here end up bloated right in the middle.
Then just now went for Bible class, as usual uncle Steven was speaking. The the best part of the day was Yi Kai. When I was preparing to go home, I went and played with him. As usual, I bluff him that I had sweetes with me and he took the bait. He came rite up to me and I showed him my water bottle lorr. Wah, he use baby sign language to ask me open the bottle for him to drink leh. Then he some more drink my water until finish, and he was feeling 100% satisfaction guaranteed. I was asking him whether he liked my water, and he was talking in some baby chinese language which I cannot understand at all!!! Haha, so CUTE ler~ When I told him I have to go and took my bottle back, he saw Daniel going into the car, so he went over. I thought he wanted to go into the car but he ended up closing the door for Daniel. How SWEET~ Such a small size toddler can help people close car door. Yi Kai dear, I love you alwayz~ But don't be so naughty arr!!!!!!
just another day..... posted at 1:14 AM.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
School life~
Chinese New Year is around the corner.................... Aiksss, and I haven't started my shopping yet. *shrugs* Yea, my college timetable is so UNFAIR!!!! 6 days of classes a week and my only 'free of class' day is a Sunday, which indeed is a terrible choice of day to go to KL for a shopping spree. Imagine sandwiching with people of all walks of life in the KTM, walking around seeing zillions of people moving towards the same direction as you. (-___-)!!!!! *siao* Plus, you'll get a chance to meet weirdos around KL coz thats the time they come out and strut their stuff~
YAY!!!! Finally a public holiday. No college. So fun leh. Although I am so practically free this semester, but then the thought of no free day to go shopping far away from Klang dreads me liao. Yea, back few days I was telling my classmates about having an all singles Valentines get-together. Yealorr, still single marr, and I came up with the stupid idea of all those who are single go out and have fun together to celebrate our 'singleness'!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I am weird and crazy at times. But then, seeing all those happy couples going out for dates on 14/2, I cannot miss out on the fun also marr. Hopefully we will get together lorr on that fateful day~
just another day..... posted at 10:55 PM.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Yeap, I think I am experiencing something which I would call a phobia. Well, I started having this phobia after I was caught up with 'that' fateful incident. What shall I classify my phobia? A fear of motorcycle sound approaching towards me. Yes, I am confident I have this weird phobia when I went and 'ta pau' tau fu fah with Sook Kuan today. A motorcycle came out from no where and I thought we were going to be robbed!
Luckily for us, it was just an old Chinese man. But that is not the case for me. When I heard the sound of the motorcycle engine, I started having butterflies in my stomach and my heart started beating so fast that if something were to happen, I might suffer from heart attack. That wasn't the only scenario to prove this phobia. Just 2 weeks ago, this boy was cycling so fast that I thought he was somewhat a snatch thief or etc. And the other day, Jessie walked so close behind me (I wasn't aware) and my heart started beating faster than usual.
GoSh...... What have I got myself into? Sometimes, I think that this is a good sign so that I can be more alert towards my surroundings. But on the other hand, I might suffer from heart attack anytime. Let's just hope my phobia wouldn't get worse of I'll be a schizophrenic in no time!!! (@_@)"
just another day..... posted at 9:56 PM.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Que pasa?
Tired............But have to move on..................Life is like that marr..................Aiyo, why is it so hard to find the information I want on the internet??? Where are all the good and reliable notes that I seek to do my homework??? Looks like I have to rely on books again. That means spend more time on reading.
I knew I was a bit 'cocky' when I said the IT task was easy in the first place. I know I know. I had a friend who told me that I was a bit too 'loud' in class. I know. I am not angry or what. It's just that I don't know why it's so hard to keep myself in a low profile. Yea, IT assignment sounds like peanuts, but actually quite hard to get the right and accurate information leh. So die lorr. Tomorrow do presentation how arr? Kamikaze lerr~
People might think I'm trying to show off in class. Come on people, where are your guts? Answer lecturer's question also cannot meh??? Must keep quiet all the time arr? I pity the lecturer ok. Sometimes, they seem to be talking to the walls instead of us. Why are you people so afraid of making mistakes? Speak up people!!!!! Sad lerr, so now I have to keep my mouth SHUT~
just another day..... posted at 11:03 PM.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
No No No No No NO!!!!!
Nooo~ Nooo~ Nooo~ Nooo~ Bu yao~ Bu sing~ Bu ke yi~ Wo bu gan xiang xin!!! Bu SING!!!!! These were the words I've been uttering after I got the most 'disasterous' news so far after checking my exam results!!!!!!!! A 'B' for Pengajian Am or Sejarah???????? Noooooooooooooooo!!! This cannot be happening!!!!!!! (T.T) (T_T) (ToT) So traumatic leh. Canot imagine can get a B after all. And I was dreaming of getting all A's for my diploma!!!!!! So my dreams were DASHED by a single B. It ruined my results. It ruined my GPA. It ruined ME!!!
Ok, so it is actually not that traumatic or 'disastarous' as I might have pictured it to be. But yet again, a B is unacceptable at this point of my studies. I couldn't care much if I got a B or C during secondary school for all the Science subjects or Add Maths. Coz I knew I wasn't that good at it at all. And now, Pengajian Am!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhh, I'm going to study harder to bring back those glorious moments of GPA 4.0 again!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yee Ann, why do you have to score all A's and perfect GPA 4.0??? Am I not up to par with you???? This world is crazy!~
just another day..... posted at 6:53 PM.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Another passing day~
Hmm, it's been a few days since I last blog. Nothing special happening lately though. Somehow or rather, we had a few classes cancelled this week. Yesterdays class was cut short because a few states went into a massive blackout. Man, it was chaotic for others, but for us, we just used the extra time we had to have lunch together. I was really lucky that the electricity supply was restored 2 hours later at my housing area. And today Mr Padma went on MC. So we had only 2 classes instead of 3. Good larr!
Lately, I been having the weirdest dreams of my life. I think on Tuesday night I dreamt about my dad being robbed by the same guys who tried to rob me on 3/1/05. I told my mum about it and she said I might be in some sort of paranoia or something like that lerr. Haha, then the next night I dreamt about a Singaporean friend of mine. I even dreamt that Singapore was having this massive flood, something like the Tsunami leh. Wah lau, how did I get those dreams? I seriously don't know leh. Then yesterday night, I dreamt about my college pals. We were having some sort of experience together larr, but can't remember clearly what it was all about.
Dreams are games of mind, but I do find them pretty entertaining at times. Like once, I dreamt I met up with Zai Zai F4!!!!! Wah, it was so fun leh, too bad no courage to take a peck on his cheek even though I knew it was just a dream...... I've got a few encounter with celebrities in my dreams. I think I had one with Jerry of F4 too. I just wish I can keep on dreaming being with my favourite celebrities more often!!! I actually had many weird dreams, just that I can't really remember any of those now~ Anyway, enough for today larr!
just another day..... posted at 9:49 PM.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
(>_<)''.... Second week into college already. I don't feel as energetic as before larr, maybe coz a 2nd year student liao. Maybe because of the fact that enrolment in our college os so bad that I never stumble across any new faces at all. Where are all the students lerr? Muz be busy earning money lor, or wasting their time lepaking around like nobody's business. I wonder what will happen to the student club then. If we were to organize any activities, who will support it? Makes me feel sad to see the decreasing number of students in my college lately.
I think people should be more aware that the world is not going to be here for long. When I saw the news on the latest catastrophe that hit USA and northern UK, I thought that those must have been the aftershocks of the recent tsunami. To me, it's better to start getting ourselves onto the right path now before it is too late. Just that millions of people out that just don't seem to bother how important the word of God is. Why are they so ignorant? Or is it the fact that they are so stubborn headed that they just don't care. I remembered my trip to Singapore with my cousin and I was talking to her about God. Nearly got into a mouth-war with her. Yeap, she's an atheist, goes to Sunday School until she graduated and tells me she doesn't believe that God exists. And yet, I think sometimes she has better character than me.
Gurl, why do you need proof that God really exists? Isn't everything around you enough to prove it? Man, it is so hard to get some senses into that head of yours!
just another day..... posted at 11:00 PM.
Sunday, January 09, 2005

Aren't we adorable!!!! Muz take more 'purikura's wif u guys!!!!
just another day..... posted at 9:11 PM.

Amigos Parasiempre~
just another day..... posted at 9:07 PM.

QueenZ 4 Da Day!!!!
just another day..... posted at 9:06 PM.

The Singaporeans ROX!!!!
just another day..... posted at 9:04 PM.

People I treasure so greatly!!! Zelda, Eudora, Audrey, Alyssa and Medalene~
just another day..... posted at 9:03 PM.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Saturday Nite~
Saturday turns out to be my movie day. Yet, I am having classes for Term 1 2005 on Saturday afternoon. Yea, you may think my life sucks, well practically I think so too but learning Business Law today makes me think another way. Business Law is really interesting especially when you have a good lecturer who is a lawyer himself. Hmm, so I don't really understand 100% of his teachings today, but I guess it takes time to learn. Yeap, muz be hardworking lorr.
Today also marked the day Benjamin Chen and Benjamin Kwan enters the army. Boy oh boy, sure going to miss them both. Both are so thin but such funny people themselves!!!!! Anyway, just came home from watching 'Meet the Fockers'. Man, it was a HILARIOUS movie lerr. So funny, and so crazy at times. We just couldn't help but laugh all the time. It is a must-watch for all of you out there. One advice, don't watch with your parents if possible. Coz it'll certainly be uncomfortable for some of you especially at certain scenes and the language they use. Can't seem to understand how they rate it as 'umum'. Haha, but it is certainly a movie worth watching!!! Buenas Noches!
just another day..... posted at 10:13 PM.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Yet another passing day~
Friday is a day I used to LOVE for the past few years. For me, Friday is the day school finally ends for that particular week, and on Fridays, the TV station will air interesting programmes like Survivor and etc. For year 2005, things took a huge turn. I had classes from 9am-4.30pm today, (T_T) and I didn't really listen to what my lecturer was blabbing right in front of me. So I began hating Fridays!!!!
Man, I was yawning away for the second and third lecture (-_-)" and during breaks, I felt so rejuvenated as I exercise my mouth!!!!!! Means I talk and talk with my pals lerr. I think we really enjoying life like anything leh, not yet even finish 1st week of classes we are already planning for a friends birthday and also where to go out and eat together again. Really glad to have people like them to be with me through college. You know arr, all the new classes super pathetic leh, some 3 people only, some 4 people only. Very 'kor lian' arr see them in such a depressing situation. I am glad I have at least 5 people with me during each class.
Last year, life in college couldn't have been better. Me and my pals went through many happy times, we went for our college trip together, went out and eat at seafood restaurant together after exam, had barbeque and steamboat at a friends house on various occasions, and went for a 1 day Port Dickson trip with no proper planning. I mean, it was the prime time of our lives. Last year also marked my 1st time visiting a foreign land without my parents, during the time I went to Singapore with Li Let after 11 LONG years!!!!
I'm going to pray very hard that I can go out and enjoy life with my colege pals again this year. Hopefully we get to go on our solo trip again somewhere further. But then muz depend whether our 'businessman' Henry got time a not lorr, coz he has the biggest car marr, Toyota Estima, which can fit all of us together~ Henry and Sook Kuan some more can plan go Redang. Yealarr, they got rich parents to support them, we leh, dun have marr. Muz depend on ourselves lerr! =p
just another day..... posted at 11:56 PM.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
My trip to Singapore~
Going to Singapore again after my trip in July 2004 really excited me. Of course lerr, suddenly made so many new friends such as the Jurong youths and renewed long lost friendship with the other Singaporeans. Hahaz, so 3 days after YDP 2004, on Sunday afternoon, we all head down to Johor Bahru to put up a night at the Grand Continental hotel. The tsunami news was on the national TV. But didn't really pay attention, too busy eating my seafood and thinking of my beloved Singaporean friends!!!
Woke up the next day at around 7.30 am. Can't wait to enter Singapore lerr. Got so many agendas~ We left JB around 10 am. Reached our hotel around 45 minutes later lorr. Then hoh, already 11 pm. Mum said next shuttle bus at 1pm. No choice lerr, have to wait for the bus!!!
(-_-)" end up watching TV for 2 hours. Finally got on the bus at 1pm to go to Orchard Road. The dad showed me where the subway is, and off I go alone to find my beloved Eliza!!!!!! Was looking forward to meeting her since never meet her before. Plus, I find it weird that we clicked so well although she was only 11 and me, 18!!!! The age gap is huge lerr. So I went to Braddell, then wait for Eliza and Daren to come meet me in front of McD's. Not bad arr Singapore housing area, got fast food everywhere.
Gosh, when I stepped into their house, so SPACIOUS leh, is the first thing that came across my mind. The whole house looks so neat and clean, my dream home lerr. Next, I noticed Laxifur, hahaha, never knew he was so TINY. When Eliza sent me his pix, he looks so FAT!!!! The aunty Miao Cheng(dunno spelling correct a not) served all of us lunch. Wah, so big portion leh, dunno I can eat finish a not, but ended up finishing it anyway!!! Later at around 4.30 pm, me and Eliza left for Bishan shopping centre. Actually hoh, it's my 2nd time there, but now it seems kinda smaller leh (@_@)!! We walk and walk and walk..... then at 6.30 pm Candice came and join us. Then Jasmine came with her parents and the 4 of us ate dinner together. Later, Justin, Benjamin and Jeremy came along lorr. Then all of us go walk walk some more. The at 8.30 pm we went and watch Phantom of the Opera. It cost me SGD 6.50 leh, expensive lerr compared to what I usually pay in Malaysia. Ok, I have to remember this is Singapore lerr. Actually the show not bad lerr, music so NICE, just that story a bit draggy (-_-)zzz
The next day, me, my mum and Daniel went to Orchard at 11 am. The we go walk walk and shopping at Takashimaya. Then at 1pm met up with Li Min and Bernice, and a suprised guest Justin at Ngee Ann City. The all of us went to a Japanese noodle shop for lunch. Not bad eh the food (n_n)v After that we went walk walk again to everywhere we can, walk until Sommerset there then head back to Ngee Ann City to meet up with Zelda, Medalene, Audrey, Eudora, Eugene and also Benjamin Chen. I never knew got such a big crowd soming to see me leh, so HAPPY \(^o^)/ Then we all go walk walk again to Heeren, Paragon and etc etc etc. Too many places I went in, cannot remember.
The highlight of the day was taking purikura(photo sticker) with the Jurong youths. So fun leh. Me, Zelda, Audrey, Medalene and Eudora went and take an all girls pix first. Then we had the guys like Eugene, Benjamin Kwan and Benjamin Chen to join us. Pack like tunas only in the photo booth, but it was FUN~ Lalalala, then evening we all went to my favourite restaurant Yoshinoya to eat. Aiyo, the beef bowl SUPER DELICIOUS leh..... Can't get enough of it leh!!!!!!!!! When we were having dinner, people like the 2 Ben's, Eugene, Jeremy, Justin, Jasmine, Bernice, Li Min, Zelda, Medalene, Eudora, Audrey and me eating together. Later we go walk walk again lorr. Then met up with Timothy and Lawrence. Miss them so much also leh~ At around 10 pm ++ we head for 'yum char' at Starbucks. That time Li Min, Bernice, and 2 Ben's say bye bye liao. We went and had a nice cup of coffee to end the night. So then it was time to go home, and Jeremy took another bus back to Tampines. Timothy, Lawrence, Zelda, Eudora, Medalene, Audrey, and Eugene accompany me back by bus lorr. Wah, the bus driver in Singapore quite 'hiong' one leh. Drive so fast!!! Hmm, then on the way walking back to hotel, Zelda's baby laughing ringtone sounded again. So freaky leh, then so dark some more the lane!!!! (@.@)!!! What a day~ I spent 12 hours walking around Orchard~ A personal record for me for being able to walk so long in a day!!!!
* A million thanks to people like Eliza, Daren, Candice, Ben Kwan, Jasmine, Justin, Jeremy, Li Min, Bernice, Zelda, Medalene, Eudora, Ben Chen, Audrey, Eugene, Timothy and Lawrence for making my stay in Singapore so eventful and interesting. It was fun hanging out with people like you guys. Hope to meet you all again SOON~*
just another day..... posted at 11:02 PM.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Turn back time~
I guess it is a bit too late now for me to write about my YDP experiences. People like Medalene and Zelda have already written so much about it, why do I have to bother? I seriously don't know, I guess it's just a passion. YDP 2004 kick off with us taking a 2 hours ++ ride to Bentong. I dread the time that we have to walk up the super STEEP hill (-_-); Coz I wasn't that fit marr, and I was kinda exhausted during the walk. No stamina marr. I walked this hill for 2 times oledi, and this is my 3rd. I really don't know why I am going through all this again arr.
First thing we did was to unpack our stuff in our dorms and head off for lunch. I knew the food trend, the 1st and last meal is the best among the rest. (^o^) Well, I was absolutely right... Later that day, we head off for briefing and later GAMES!!! We were divided into our respective groups and my group has pretty great people like Jeremy and Benjamin Chen!!! Jeremy and Benjamin Chen was in my team last year also (2003). Ok, so da 1st day itself we had our obstacle course. And I thought I was pretty fit and prepared for it (@_@)!! Haha, halfway through I was already so tired. Jeremy was powered up, and so were Lawrence, Benjamin and the rest of the guys. Where they get all the energy arr? So keng lerr. It was a race against time, and our group was the fastest. HOORAY!!! During games, uncle Michael ran in and out of the obstacle course TWICE in a row, and he seems so ENERGETIC. This is one really fit uncle (n_n) Oh, then later we had fruit eating sessions!!! I didn't really eat lerr, I just stood there and pretend that I was eating. Hahaha, so funny lerr see my team mates eating the oranges like they never ate for a week!!! Ooo, then hoh, later Reuben, me and Alyssa went on a special trip. We went and try out the hanging bridge then walk down the forest path. So cool sia.... Thank God I have a 'tai kor' like Reuben. Later at night, we had our first devotion by Randall, then later a bible class with uncle John Goh from LAP. After that, me and Alyssa head off to the canteen to prepare our devotions. Both of us are 1st timers, so had to make sure we do our best lerr. Luckily, uncle John was there to guide me during my preparation. End of Day 1.....
Day 2: Woke up at 7.00 am in the morning. I was so SLEEPY, but I got to wake up larr or I'll miss breakfast. Alyssa was still sleeping so soundly beside me. She really can sleep leh. (-_-)zzz I didn't have the heart to wake her up yet so I go brush up first. Didn't really have the appetite to eat lerr, coz have to do devotion later. My first devotion went on pretty well, although I was a bit nervous, I had a pretty good crowd who were willing to endure the lesson with me. ('',)v Later, we had brother Paul to teach us how to "breath"???? well...... "In, hold...hold...hold, and out, hold...hold...hold and stop". Then we had the "Hahahahaha...hihihihi....hohohoho....huhuhuhu....hehhehhehheh" practice, which left us in fits of laughter. The climax was when we had this 'diafragma' excersice (Sorry arr, dunno how to spell the English word. Paiseh) "Legs up 90 degrees, ok, sing with me. There was a rock, tiny little diddy??? rock, and the rock was by the stream, and the stream was on its way????, where the sky is high and clouds were bright and gay?????". Alamak, I forgot the original lyrics liao larr
m(-_-)m Wah, this brother Paul arr, his classes were very energy-taxing. Must walk and run at the same time. But I enjoyed it. Was like a brand new thing in our YDP programme since the last 6 years??? And singing can be so much FUN. That's what I learned from the Jurong girls. They just LOVED singing. It was good that we learned how to conduct a song. So easy leh, but reading the music notes can be a painstaking task!!! (@_@) What to do, I no talent in music.......*sigh* Then in the evening, found some time to try out the hanging bridge again. So cool lerr. Was with Deborah and Audrey then. Then people just kept coming. Hahaz~ It's addictive lerr. End of Day 2.....
Day 3: Today is Alyssa's BIG day. Her devotion day marr. She slept quite late last night preparing her devotion lorr. But her devotion was an eye-opening one. Her voice was as cute as ever \(^o^)/ Then we had singing classes again. Later, all the groups had their own practises. The evening finally came, and it was the biggest event in the YDP. The songfest kicked off with the children's performance, then followed by the youths. The children had a very nice song performance, a HOKKIEN song...Hehehe, courtesy of brother John Yu from Taiwan. After everything ended, me and Alyssa headed to the canteen to have a round of games with the rest. But ended up we took pix more than we played the games. So cool leh.... Then people were busy taking autographs also. At 12 midnight, Alyssa and me went and join Reuben for a round of fireworks display. SO BEAUTIFUL leh, what a night to remember~ Later arr, me, Reuben, Alyssa, and John headed to the poolside to stargaze. We were so 'lucky', the skies were as black as they can be. Nothing to see also. So we ended up talking about the past and keeping an update on each others life. At 3am, me and Alyssa was SUPER sleepy, so we headed off the slumberland~ End of Day 3.....
Day 4: Ok, this is the day I really feel like sleeping only and not waking up. SO tired sia, but got something to look forward to; LOVEFEST!!! Everyone has their own vivid imagination of the LOVEFEST, and actually everyone was anticipating to know what it was. Actually, it was a time where we could appreciate one another by writing notes of appreciation to people we treasure. So that's the real deal...... I find it so interesting, just that I had to LITTLE time!!!! It was a really interesting event to close the YDP. I found it very encouraging when I read notes of appreciation from others to me. That was a very good way to close YDP 2004. Later in the afternoon, after taking a few group pix with the Jurong girls, all of us head back for home. Halfway, we stopped by the train station to send off the Singaporeans. So sad lerr they were leaving, but I was going to see them again in 5 days!!!
*A million thanks to uncle Kay Yeow for willingly undertaking the task of organizing the YDP for so MANY MANY years. I really appreciate your effort and hardwork in making the YDP a success. I feel honoured to be one of your helpers in YDP 2004. The task has helped me to be more responsible and careful person! Thank you once again~*
New people in my life:
The Jurong youths: Zelda, the girl I once arm-wrestle with during YDP 2002, so ever caring and nice to me. Medalene, the big gurl with lots of sense of humour. Audrey, lil sis and the best poser during our photo sticker adventure. Eudora, so sweet and nice. Canida, the bridge-crazy girl, so cute. Kelvin, weird funnyman I must say. Benjamin, always the funny guy with a good sense of humour. Eugene, the guys with an unexplainable sense of humour and makes me laugh so much with his unique antiques!!! Timothy, a born leader, I must say, a really good guy. Lawrence, a great shopper and also the guy who fell sick during YDP. So 'kor lian' larr you....
just another day..... posted at 10:08 PM.
2 days later.........
Today is the second day after that frightful incident I experienced 2 days ago. I was feeling a bit better than yesterday. Yesterday I attended my lectures as usual, but I had my friend to fetch me to and fro from college. At the 2nd half of the last lecture on Tuesday, I found it really hard to concentrate on the subject my lecturer was teaching. Memories flood back through my mind. I was constantly worried if the same thing should happen again. Not that I want it to happen, things like this seems so 'unavoidable'. Yet, I knew that only God holds the answer to everything.
I was looking through the YDP pix again and fond memories came back one by one. I just couldn't help but to look at the pix whenever I miss my pals. Somehow, I felt relive to see those people smiling through the pix. I always feel blessed that I have friends in the church who are willing to listen to my problems and comfort me when I really need it. I guess they are all a blessing from God. I just hope that only time will slowly change things. I am more careful now whenever I am out of the house. I don't fell secured being in areas with a lot of foreigners so I try my best to avoid them. Hopefully I will regain my confidence in going out alone again soon~
just another day..... posted at 9:53 PM.
Monday, January 03, 2005
God SAVED me!!!
The day 03/01/2005 shall be a day I will never forget in a long period of time. As this is the 3rd day of a new year, I started my new term at my college. I was looking forward to it, as it has been almost a month since I last met up with my pals. This is the day where we can meet up again to catch up on each others lifes and etc.
I was the first to be in Ms Satvinder's IT2 class. And I thought I was late for it (@_@);. Later Sook Kuan And Jessie came in, followed by Jocelyn, Seow Huet and Levin. So there were only 6 of us in this class. Nevermind, as long as we click, the small number doesn't matter at all. Class ended much earlier than I expected. At 3.30pm we were allowed to go home. And we just started class at 3.00pm!!! So we went for 'yum cha' at a coffeeshop nearby. Boy was it fun to finally sit down together and have a chit chat together.
However, things were not as smooth flowing as it seems for me on this day. At 4.45pm, while I was opening my house's front gate, I saw 2 men on motorcycle driving slowly towards the area I was standing from the junction nearby. I didn't suspect anything at first. But as soon as I turn back and head towards my car, the motorcycle quickly stopped right next to my car and 1 of the motorcyclist came down and head straight towards my car. I quickly entered my car! Luckily, my car had autolock itself when I was coming out of the car to open my front gate. I got in the car safely and the guy (robber) was trying hard to open my car's passenger side door. Luckily enough, it was all locked. I panicked and immediately hon the car as loud as possible. I was shocked and didn't know what to do! After a short while, the neighbours started to sense something wrong and came out to see what was going on. By that time, the two robbers had already fled.
I cried my heart out due to shock. I never knew something like this will happen to me. If it weren't for God's grace for me, I could have been robbed and killed because the robber had a 'parang' (long knife) with him. I ask for those who are reading my blog to pray for my safety as I travel alone to and fro from college in the future. Do remember, God can take your life anytime He wants but I am so thankful that because of His love, He has readily spared me.
My prayer:
'Dear Lord, thank you so much for keeping me safe from the harm and danger that I was supposed to experienced on this fateful day. I know that it is because of Your mercy on me that my life has been spared for another day. I pray that You will never forsake me again as I am not prepared to face Thee now. I pray also that You keep everyone safe and sound from all harm. All this in the name of your most precious son Jesus Christ, Amen.'
just another day..... posted at 8:02 PM.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
First Sunday of 2005
'Toot toot toot toot'......That was the sound of my handphone alarm which rang at 7.30 am today. *YAWN* Man, super tired lerr (>.<) Coz last nite slept at 1.30 am. Anywayz, the first Sunday of the year is a really significant one thought. Coz the Sunday School will have reshuffling of students again and the older ones get to enter new classes. So Jasmine and Jia Ee were the first 2 to leave for Toddlers Senior. As predicted, Jia Ee was already throwing her tantrum again. Man, this gal is a really tough one to handle. She sometimes just drive me nuts!!!! Her first day in her brand new class started off with her shaking her head to every question and crying SO loud to freak her classmates (-_-);...... Then she just stood at a corner during the whole class. Keng leh.....(@_@)
Luckily I had a bunch of great kids in my class. Wei Xiang was behaving really well compared to last week. Alyssa was as cute as usual (n_n) Love her so MUCH!!! *Hugs and kisses dear* Alphaues and Trisha turn up late for class, and I was playing puzzle with Alphaues when I suddenly remembered he is supposed to be upgraded (O.O)!!! I quickly sent him off to his new class. Haizz, my first Sunday in 2005 and I am so BLUR liao. My co-teacher wasn't in class at that moment. As usual, I do not expect her to be punctual. I was so RIGHT! She came in at 10.10 am, giving me the same reason I had heard the past few weeks. Man, how did I manage to put up with her over 2 years arr??? I seriously think I have some mental problem leh. -(*.*)-
Our first sermon of the year was delivered by uncle Rick. Then we had special collection for the Tsunami victims. Wah, we collected quite a lot leh. Not bad sia.... Hopefully this will improve the conditions of the Tsunami victims in Sri Langka~
just another day..... posted at 9:08 PM.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Welcome 2005!!!!!
10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! That was the scene in the Klang Church of Christ barely 12 hours ago. Yeap, I finally make it into 2005 after all. Weird it seems that I am still alive here today. I really thank God for it. The reason I have thoughts like this is due to the recent Tsunami incident that hit SEA badly. WhenI was looking at the pictures of Banda Aceh, i realise that 40% of the city had submerged below the water. This certainly made me sit down and think of how powerful our God is. He can just take my life anytime he wants, but yet he spared me. Tears nearly roll down my cheeks as I was watching the documentary on the Tsunami effects. It was the most heart-breaking and saddess thing I have ever seen. Imagine you are just sititng by the beach lazing around, the next minute the raging waves of tsunami just wipe you out of this earth. This is something I will ponder on from now on.
Anyways, as usual the Klang youths would spent a night together in the church building to usher in the new year. This year we had guests like Joan, Jonathan Yang and Grace around. It was fun hanging out with them. We spent some time playing taboo, which made me realise how blur I can be at certain times (@_@); After the game, Jon told us some 'special' encounter of him with the other world. It sounds really freaky especially the part where the dice keep on coming out with the number '666'. Ian's personal encounter was even freakier (>.<) He was telling us about how he heard a little girl laughing, then he and his friend look out the window.....Then they saw a little girl walking, supposingly heading towards a temple nearby. Walking alone and laughing.........(-_-); Reminds me of Zelda's freaky baby laughing ringtone!!! Anyways, had a good night of fellowship with the youths. Somehow, I guess it is times like this that brings us together.
A new year certainly means new resolutions. So I came up with a few that I hope I can accomplish this year. 1) Read the Bible daily. 2) Shed off the excessive weight!!! 3) Set a good examples to the younger ones 4) Stop slacking and playing around. 5) Save enough money so that I can make it to Singapore more than once a year. (n_n) That's all I can think of right now. I will have to think of the other 5 later. As bored as my resolutions may sound, I really hope I can accomplish it this year! Ganbatte Kudasai~
just another day..... posted at 11:21 PM.